组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    Lisa is a world-class speaking coach now, but even she didn't know she had a voice once. It was 1 when she first started out. At school, she was2 every day. At one point, a classmate told her that she was "God's 3".

    She auditioned(试演)to be in Charlie' s Angel and the Bionic Woman, but she was4, though she won every event in the 5. Since then, for the next 15 years, Lisa6 herself, "Why am I here? Why me this skin?" And she dealt with 7self-respect problems. She sat inside self-blame and 8 and tried her best to prove that she was9enough.

    Her day came when she received a10applause from an audience of 15, 000 people after her poem recital(朗诵会)at church-one of the11 being TV's Bionic Woman, Lindsay Wagner. Lindsay told her, "Sweetheart, I'm 12 in Hollywood. You with your journey, you are the 13Bionic Woman. "

    It was then that Lisa realized, the14was not in trying to find validation(验证)in others-it was in 15. Though it took her 15 years to learn this, it was a journey she had to16. And because of that journey, her 17became so much more powerful.

    Each of us has a voice. But how many times have you 18your brilliant ideas? Your voice makes a 19-and you don't have to wait to get on a stage to use your voice. What do you 20wish you could share with the world? Be brave and speak your voice!
