组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

    My name's John. I have two good friends, Peter and Mike. I live in Beijing. It is snowy. It is very cold and dry here. I wear(穿戴)a hat, a scarf and a coat. I skate on the ice. I can make a snowman. It is funny.

    Peter lives in Shanghai. I go to his home this Sunday. It is rainy, cold and wet there. We put on raincoats and boots(靴子). We can't go to the park. We can play with water. We are both wet.

    Mike lives in Sydney (悉尼). I fly to Sydney. It is sunny and hot. We wear shorts and T-shirts. We wear big hats, too. We can swim in the water and play on the beach. We make a sandcastle. It is interesting.
