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    ChaiJing, who worked for China Central Television (CCTV) from 2001 to 2013 as a TV reporter made a documentary(纪录片) named under the Dome (穹顶之下)to educate the public about smog. It is released(发行)online on March 1st, 2015.

    In the opening of the documentary, Chai tells the story of her daughter with a begin tumor (良性肿瘤)before her birth. “ I couldn't help worrying while seeing the polluted sky in Beijing,” she says. She only took her daughter outside when the air in Beijing was good. The rest of the time she had to keep her at home like a “prisoner(囚犯)”. And there were175 polluted days in 2014 in Beijing.

    In the  documentary, Chai had an interview with a six-year-old girl, WangHuiqin, who live in Shanxi Province, a heavily polluted area in China. The girl told Chai that she had never seen stars, blue skies or white clouds in her village.

    Chai also went to London and Los Angeles, which had both suffered air pollution in the past, to learn how they had improved their environment.

    Chai spent one year making this 103-minute film, which cost her over 1 million yuan. In the documentary, Chai tries to answer three questions. They are “ What is smog”, “ Where does it come from?” and “What should people do?” And she calls on everyone to get into the fight against smog.

The documentary Under the Dome


Chai Jing, who used to be a TV  

Release date

On March 1st, 2015

Running time



Over 1 million yuan


To educate the public about


What is smog? Where does it come from? What should people do?


In the opening of the documentary, Chai tells the story of her . Chai had an interview with Wang Hui qin from Shanxi Province , a heavily polluted in China. Chai went to London and Los Angeles to how to reduce air pollution.
