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    Bi Feiyu is a famous Chinese writer. He is also a professor of Nanjing University. He has won some of the highest literary (文学的) prizes in China. Now he has a new book, Fiction Reading. It came out in February this year. The book collects some magazine columns (专栏) by writer Bi Feiyu on his understanding of well﹣known novels, both Chinese and foreign.

    "I love to talk about novels. And I used to be famous for that because would keep talking for too long." says Bi. To him, novels are like artifact (工艺品). He can examine them carefully at any time and play with them. He once played a game with the students at Tsinghua University. He invited them to turn Li Shangyin's four﹣line poem about evening rainfall into a novel.

    BiFeiyll was born in 1964 in Jiangsu Province. He started writing poems in the 1980s and turned to novels in 1987. Bi's novels The Moon Opera, Three Sisters, and Massage have made him popular both at home and abroad. The works have been translated into many languages and sell well. Bi's latest work shows a lot about his reading and writing experiences and his life as a writer.

    His reviews are very interesting and humorous, and he offers readers a great book. After reading it, you'll feel that he not only encourages you to read and understand the novel, but also makes you want to learn more from him
