组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dear Joe,

    I wrote you the letter to tell you about what the world used to be like when I was young. Life used to be very different then. We didn't have cell phones when we wanted to talk to our friends. We didn't have e mails either, so we had to write letters.

    When we traveled from town to town, we used to walk or ride horses or take a cart(马车). Later we had buses and very few people had cars. Air travel was aluxuryand we used to dream of riding on an airplane but now everyone does. It's so common.

    Food is another big difference. There weren't any supermarkets so we used to grow our own food. We would exchange some with people from other towns to buy the things we didn't have. We didn't have a refrigerator(冰箱)so we kept things cool in a special room downstairs.

    But the biggest difference is electricity. We didn't have any in our town! At night, we used to light candles when we wanted light and we burned coal(煤)or wood to keep warm. We didn't have television. In summer, we used to go swimming in the river.

    Life used to be very different, but we were happy.


