组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    When I was about six years old, I was sure that space aliens had entered my bedroom. One peaceful night, I was in bed, trying to sleep. Suddenly, I heard strange voices whispering(低语) near my bed. I shouted for my parents right away. We looked everywhere but couldn't find anything. I tried to go back to sleep, but the whispering began again. I don't know how many times my parents came to my bedroom that night. I only remembered that none of us could sleep well because of the voices. As a result, I was late for school the next morning.

    "There must be someone hiding in my bedroom, perhaps an alien!" I thought to myself.

    The next night, the same whispering sound came again. Although I was scared, I decided to find the "alien". I searched every corner of my bedroom carefully. Finally, I found it. However, it wasn't the alien that I expected, but an old broken radio in my bookcase. The radio suddenly began to work and the voices came from it.

    Even so, that experience helped me to create a lifelong interest in UFOs and aliens.

    When I was in Grade 5, astronauts were being sent into space for the first time. I would look out of my bedroom's window and search the sky for UFOs. I never saw one, but I did see lots of stars. They were really beautiful and amazing, and maybe the aliens would agree with me.
