组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Monday began as usual. It wasn't until the third-graders reached their classroom that they noticed a new1She was tall and straight with grey hair and witch*'s cold eyes, carrying a plant and a book.

    "I'm Miss Orville. I've taught for forty-six years," she warned. "I know lots of your tricks*,2I advise you to try none. You're to be in my charge until your teacher returns. Since I don't know you, let me look at your3first. Completed it? Take it out. Now!"

     "You call THIS homework?" R-r-rip! A page was torn out and thrown at4owner. "Do it again." Roger opened his schoolbag.5, it fell off. Books, pencils spilled out. Cards, toys, balls..."Ah, we've come to play, have we?" She fixed her witch's gaze on him.

    The third grade was the last to6school. The children looked strangely defeated. Roger pulled his moth her: "We don't have a new teacher but a witch named Miss Awful. Hurry, I have much homework!"

    Finally, on Friday Miss Orville said, "Your teacher will return. This afternoon will be my7class." At lunch, the third grade talked about nothing except how to8Miss Awful. Joey suggested, "We could tie a string* in front of the door. She'd fall down if she walked over."

    "No. She's old," Roger said, "we9hurt her like that."

    "How about taking off the10of that plant?" advised someone.

    Roger didn't want to do that, not understanding why. It was a feeling he couldn't explain.

    "Well, you worked hard last week," Miss Orville began her class, "Attending school is like a priceless gift. If I've been11it was for your benefit. The world needs good citizens*...

    She stopped suddenly, staring at the plant12its leaves. She faced the class, looking sad. "Whoever is responsible, I only wish you to be13."

    After class, she said goodbye to the students. They ran out, some regretful, some silent, others cheerful. Only Roger stayed behind. He14her, rubbing his hand up and down his coat. "Yes?" Miss Orville asked. Roger lifted his head straightly. "Flower, f-l-o-w-e-r. Castle, C-a-s-t-l-e. I've learned15you taught us." He smiled to Miss Awful whose eyes were wet.
