组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    David is a truck driver. Recently, he was thought to be a great man.

    Last Monday, he was driving along the road with his son and his friend. Suddenly, he saw a car hit another truck and catch fire. The accident was just in front of his truck. Without thinking, he stopped his truck, found a fire extinguisher(灭火器) and ran to-wards the broken car. But other car drivers still sat inside their cars. David began to fight the fire. His action encouraged his friend. He also came and gave David a hand. Later, David's son and three other men came to help. The four men pulled the car driver and her granddaughter, a three- year- old girl out of the car successfully. They were all safe except(除了) that the driver's leg was hurt.

    When people talked about David's brave action, David said,"I didn't think about too much then, I just did what other people would do in that situation. When I first got out of the truck, I wished that they wouldn't be dead. When I saw they were alive, it was really great!”

    "My father was so calm and brave: He set a good example to me," said David's son.
