组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Little children use a lot of silent signals to communicate, but we've got ways to read their body language.

    Like many parents of children, you might find it is hard to1your children's signals. Even though children can know around 200 words by their second birthday, they are only able to250 of these words in daily life. This means you have to3your children's body language much of the time to know how they're4or what they want. While no one expects you to be a mind5, you can pay attention to your children's body language to learn how to6in some cases.

    It is difficult to believe that one little arm cross can have more than 67 kinds of meanings. But for children, it's7to be a signal that they're feeling uneasy. For example, your children might not be able to8 “I don't want this unfamiliar (不熟悉的) horse near me”, but they can9themselves from it by folding their arms to10a protective barrier (保护屏障).

    Learn more about your children's body language so that you can communicate with them more easily.
