组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    It was a fine spring day for a walk down the street. A mother and her two little girls walked along the sidewalk, happily laughing.1, a hundred small alien ships appeared on the horizon. They started2off some rays. People screamed. Children cried. There was3everywhere.

    There came the ting-a-ling sound of glasses breaking4. People fled in every5. The mother was jostled (推) and lost hold of her6. She raced around shouting and crying for her kids. She7they were lost to her forever.

    The sky cleared up. The aliens were8. But there was no sight of the children. Heartbroken, the9reached her house, crying her eyes out.

    She heard someone10"Mamma". Was it her kids? She frantically (发狂似地)11around. There they were! Hand12hand they came running towards her. She ran towards them too. Her arms stretched out13to hug them. She opened her eyes. The pillow felt wet. It was a dream!

    She raced to the kids' bedroom. Her lovely girls were14peacefully. She kissed both their foreheads and 15"love you".
