组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

    Hi, my good friend. My name is Sally. I come from Germany. Let me1you an interesting story about my little brother.

    I have a little brother. His2is John. He is now four years old. He goes to the kindergarten(幼儿园). My father often3him to school in his car.

    John is young but he is kind of4because he likes to eat meat very much. My parents often5him from eating too much meat. Today is Sunday. At noon, we are having6at home.

    "Please eat some7 , Mum," my father says to my grandmother.

    "I'd like to, but8teeth cannot work for the meat," my grandmother says.

    "Don't worry, Dad. Let me9my grandmother to eat all the chicken. I have good10." John says happily. Everyone laughs.
