组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    What differences will there be in the year 2100? No one knows. But it is fun to have a guess at it.

    Let's make this story about you in the year 2100. Our story will be about one day only.

    You wake up at seven in the morning. You get dressed. Guess what the clothes are made of. Paper? Glass? Or something we don't even know about today?

    You will spend no time cooking breakfast. Why? The food may be ready for eating. Now you start for work. But you don't go by car. You step on to a moving sidewalk. It moves you along to a train station. There you take a train. How will it run? On one rail high over the street? Or will it ride in air? Three o'clock comes. Your work is over for the day." I'll call Tony, a friend of mine," you say.

    Tony answers the videophone(视频电话).You and he can hear and see each other.

    "What shall we do this Saturday?" you ask." Shall we put on your rocket belts (带子)and take a short trip? Or shall we go for a ride in a flying boat?"

    Tony may say," I want to ride in a rocket ship! Let's fly to the Moon!"
