组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Recently, the epidemic (疫情) abroad has been serious. The epidemic is not only a test of the governments, but also a test of human nature.

    An American man opened a "free kitchen" in his yard to share his food and water. “As long as you need them, you can take them away for free." At first, the Uncle was very worried. "I think someone is going to take them all away, or destroy it, and this free kitchen1 won't last very long." But the reality made the Uncle moved. The kitchen didn't get smaller, but bigger and bigger. People just took what they needed and shared more of what they had in their homes. There was food, books, "valuable" toilet paper and so on. Some people directly gave money to buy table sets and tents for the Uncle to put things on. Everyone was spontaneous (自发的), and kindness spread warmth in the face of the cold epidemic. With more and more things, the Uncle could not help himself: "Sincerely, I'm confident of human nature." Now the Uncle is sharing the extra food with the homeless people on the street. Internet friends know the Uncle's kindness, also have thumbs up! "That's so sweet!" "This is what I want to see, what makes people human." "Thank you, this is wonderful." they said.

    Where there is little to loot (争抢), there is much to divide.
