组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

The day was Thankful Thursday. Thursday has become my day to go out and do charity(慈善) work with my two1. On this special Thursday, we had no idea exactly2we were going to do. At noon I3to a McDonald's with my daughters because they kept telling me that they didn't have enough to eat at breakfast. There we saw some4people begging(乞讨)in the street and we decided to do something for them.

We ordered several5from McDonald's and started to give them out. We were6to see those thankful people holding up lunch bags. Then we noticed a dirty ,old woman7at the corner. We handed her our final lunch bag. When we8the car and wanted to drive home, she walked to our car and said, "Thank you, lady! No one has ever done9like this for me before. " "Well, I'm glad that we were the10 , "I replied. "So, why don't you eat the lunch now?" I asked.

She just looked at me11her tired eyes and said, "I'm not going to eat this lunch. I have a little girl who just loves McDonald's, but I can12buy it for her because I don't have the money. But tonight she can have McDonald's!"

    I don't know13the kids noticed the tears (眼泪) in my eyes. So many times I questioned myself if our acts of kindness were too14to make a difference. However, at that moment, I15that we can't do great things but we can do small things with great love.
