组卷题库 > 小学英语试卷库

    One year there was a terrible flood (洪水) in the countryside. It rained for a week. It was frightening (吓人). Many people escaped(逃脱) from the flood in the boat. But one old man refused(拒绝)to go. He said, "God will save me." It went on raining hard. People asked him to go in a boat. He said God would save him. Soon the water went up quickly. A plane arrived and the pilot put the rope (绳子) down, "Climb up, or you'll drown (淹死)." "God will save me." Then the plane flew away. The old man drowned. When the old man saw God, he was angry and said, "I told everyone you would save me, and what happened? You let me drown.""No. What about the boat I sent? And the plane?" God said.
