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    A team of Israeli scientists "printed" a heart with a patient's own cells (细胞) first in the world, researchers say.

    Past researchers had been able to print simple tissues (生物组织) without blood vessels (血管), the team said. The new development is the first time "anyone anywhere has successfully engineered and printed an entire heart filled with cells, blood vessels and so on," Tal Dvir of Tel Aviv University toldThe Jerusalem Post.

    Dvir and his team reported the findings Monday inAdvanced Science. The heart, about the size of a rabbit's, is too small for a human, but the process used to create it shows the potential for one day being able to 3D-print pieces and maybe full transplants (移植), the team said. Because the heart is made from the patient's own biological material, it reduces the chance that the transplant would fail, according to the research paper. The team used fatty tissues, then separated and "reprogrammed" the materials. The cells that become heart cells were then created.

    The development is being praised as a "major breakthrough" in medicine and one that could help battle heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Patients will no longer have to wait for transplants or take medicines to prevent their side effects," Tel Aviv University said in a statement. "Instead, the needed hearts, lungs etc. will be printed, fully personalized for every patient." The research is still a long way off from clearing the way to transplant the 3D-printed hearts into humans, the team says.

    Dvir told the news organization Bloomberg that the heart the team printed will need another month before cells develop full to beat. Tests on animals would need to be done before the technology could be tried in humans, he added. It would take a whole day and billions, rather than millions, of cells to print a human heart, Dvir told Bloomberg.

    But Dvir remains hopeful. "Maybe, in 10 years, such printers will be seen and used in the finest hospitals around the world," he told The Times of Israel.
