组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Julia and Lingling are in the same class and they are good friends. But Julia (come) from America. Lingling is from China.

    Today they go together. Julia wants a skirt and Lingling wants a pair of socks. They spend long time walking one store to another. Now it is four o'clock in the afternoon. Julia is hungry and thirsty and she takes Lingling to a fast food restaurant.

    There Julia asks Lingling(tell) her what she wants. "Nothing." Lingling answers embarrassedly (不好意思地). So Julia only (buy) a hamburger. Julia sits at the table and eats. Lingling sits next to Julia and looks  her. She is hungry and (happy). She (do) think Julia is polite. But Julia doesn't know this, it is all right in her country. Do you see the difference two countries?
