组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Plant Anything

    A good friend of mine, Miriam, was going away on a long trip during the autumn. I called her the day before she would leave for the trip to wish her have a good trip. She was completely behind on everything she needed to do. She was a little worried. "I bought some wonderful corms to plant for next spring. But now I have no time to deal with them," she said.

    I always plant many seeds (种子) in March and by June enjoy the sweet smell everywhere. I just can't bear the thought of a plant not getting a chance to grow. "I'll plant them for you," I told her.

    "Oh, would you?" Miriam was excited. She promised to put them out on the porch (走廊) for me.

    I arrived several days later and found a paper bag on the porch. After a lot of work, I planted all the corms in the perfect place.

    When Miriam got back a few months later, she and I went out for dinner to celebrate her return. While eating, she said, "You know, I still can't believe I forgot to put those corms out on the porch!"

I looked at her in surprise. "What do you mean? Of course, you put them out. They were sitting on the porch in a paper bag."

     "No," she said, "They're still sitting on the desk where I left them."

"So, what did I plant that morning?" I asked.

    She stopped as if to prepare me for her news. Then she slowly said, "That was cat poop (猫屎). You planted cat poop."

    Miriam looked at my face and did the best to keep from laughing. But I was too busy replaying the pictures of me picking these cat poop from a paper bag and planting them.

    Years have passed since then, and both our gardens and our friendship have continued to grow. I guess, I really will try to plant just about anything. 
