组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Natural scenes often become the themes of poetry. Poets watch nature closely and present its beauty in their poems. For example, pets may describe natural scenes such as spring day or a snowy day. Besides, poets often express their feelings about nature by creating lively images (形象) in poems.

Who Has Seen the Wind?

by Christina Georgina Rossetti

Who has seen the wind?

Neither I nor you.

But whenthe leaves hang trembling,

The wind is passing through.

Who has seen the wind?

Neither you nor I.

But when the trees bow down their heads,

The wind is passing by.


by William Blake

The Sun descending in the west,

The evening star does shine,

The birds are silent in their nest,

And I must seek for mine.

The moon, like a flower,

In heaven's high bower,

With silent delight

Sits and smiles on the night.

    With images, poets can describe details (细节) of something colorfully and clearly. Readers, on the other hand, can connect their own experiences with the images in the poems so that they can share the poets' idea. Now let's read the poem "Who Has Seen the Wind?"

    When we read the lines "When the leaves hang trembling" and "When the trees bow down their heads," they remind us of a windy day. The poet successfully creates an image of the wind by describing details of the scene. These help readers think of the moment when the wind passes by. We might even how our own heads, imagining that we are the trees.

    In the poem "Night", Blake describes many details of a night scene. People know very well what they can see at night, like stars or the moon. However, Blakes sees more than just the moon itself, he sees the moon as a flower, smiling at us from up in the sky. So the moon is really compared to a flower andpersonifiedas a smiling person.
