组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
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    Lao Tzu was a philosopher (哲学家)in ancient China. He  (work) as an archivist(档案保管员)in imperial library, which gave him the chance to read more and learn a great deal of knowledge. As a result he got a large  (number )of students and fans. And it is said that even the famous Chinese philosopher,Confucius, heard about Lao Tzu, and came to  (visit) him.

    Lao Tzu believed that the human life, like everything else in the world, is influenced by outside forces. He believed "simplicity"to be the key to  (true), encouraging people to watch and think  (careful)to understand the laws of nature. He also advised people to build up  (person )power, and use it for leading a good life with love.

    Here are several  ( amaze) /quotes (语录)of Lao Tzu. I believe you will learn a lot from them.

    When you accept  (you), the whole world accepts you.

    He who talks more is sooner tired.

    A journey of a thousand miles begin  one step.

    If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

    Knowledge is a treasure,  practice is the key to it.

    To become learned, each day add something.
