组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Most of us like to know where we are and where we're going. It can feel strange to be1. The words "being lost" make us think of a dark and scary wood or street, 2 that's not always the case.

    Once we were on holiday in Venice. My dad planned to go out to take photos early the next morning. Mum wasn't 3, but I would go with him, only because he 4 I could have the biggest ever bowl of Italian ice cream if I did. 5 else would I get up so early?!

    So at 5 a.m. the next day we left the hotel and started walking in the 6 streets. When the sun came up, Dad started taking photos and I 7 him, down small streets and over little bridges.

    After about an hour, I turned to Dad and asked, "Where are we?" He said, "I have no idea. "I immediately felt a bit 8, but Dad just laughed and said, "We're lost!", I told him to 9 his map or phone. He said, "I only brought the 10. Come on, let's get more lost!" He laughed again.

    His laughter 11 me and made me feel safe. Slowly people were appearing on the streets—shops and cafes began to open.

    I began to 12 that we were lost, and just started watching and taking in everything that was happening around me.

    13, after about four hours of walking around, we were back. Mum asked anxiously(担心地), "Where have you been?" I said with a big 14, "We got lost!"

    These days we 15 get lost with so many things around us—maps, GPS, apps on our phones, and so on. But Dad showed me that being lost can sometimes simply be something to enjoy.
