组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Claire is a 27-year-old Chinese girl. She is a teacher in a junior high school. She enjoys (take) trips and has many interesting experiences. She thinks they are special (memory).

    Last month, Claire took a trip to Italy her family. This was her first time (go) traveling abroad. Before starting their journey, Claire searched on the Internet for a lot of information. After long flight, they got to Rome on the morning of July 3. She and her family visited beautiful cities like Rome Milan. They are both modem cities with a long history. Venice (like) best by Claire among all the places. In her mind, Venice is (wonderful) place that she has ever visited. There, they visited the famous St Mark's Basilica and its special (beautiful) impressed them. They also took a lot of beautiful photos with their camera.

    On the afternoon of July 18, they got on the plane and flew back to China. she got home, she was tired out. Even so, she still hopes that she can go to Italy again in the future.
