组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
从每小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

    My cousin is a sixth grader. We used to be very close and often do our homework together.

    But he started playing computer games not very long ago.

    Every day after he came home, he would drop his schoolbag and1 in front of the computer. At dinnertime, he would eat as quickly as he could2 he could get back to his games. And when it was time to go to bed, he would always stay up for3 hour in front of the computer.

It was no4 that my cousin's grades fell sharply. And his teacher said that he was5   dozing off (打瞌睡) all the time in class.

    The Internet has6 our lives more convenient. But it has disadvantages as well. For example, as students spend more time on the Internet, they have less time and7 to spend on study and rest. Some, like my cousin, find8 always thinking about things like video games, even when they should be studying.

I talked to my cousin about the harm9 spending so much time on video games. He   agreed and decided to make an effort to10 his addiction (瘾). Gradually,  he got his old life back— and, of course, his old self back as well.
