组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Could we look back some day and say that Warren Buffett's greatest genius (天才) was finding two talented people to replace (代替) him? These two people are Ted Weschler, aged 56,and Todd Combs,aged 46,who have been chosen by Buffett as money managers to begin to 1 the key investment (投资) operations of Berkshire Hathaway.

    But how did Ted and Todd catch Buffett's 2 ? "These are the only two persons I could find. who read as 3 as I did, " Buffett says with a laugh. Actually he's not really kidding. Both Ted and Todd spend lots of time 4 .

    Ted spends half a day reading many materials like 5 and trade periodicals (期刊) . In a recent interview,Ted 6 that to become a successful investor, one needs to be hungry, curious and read all the time. Different kinds of reading will allow you to 7 things that might give you an insight (洞察力) to where a business is going in five years.

    And Todd describes himself as a book with legs. He gets up at around 7 or 8 a.m. and reads 8 about 7 or 8 p. m. . After dinner; he also leads for 9 hour or two in bed.

What's the secret for financial success? It seems that 10 a habit of reading really matters
