组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Madame Curie(居里夫人)

    Marie is a famous woman in the world. She made a lot of important contributions(贡献)to the development of humans. She was born in Poland in 1867. Her father worked as a middle school headmaster and taught math and physics, so she enjoyed and did well in these 2subjects at school. Marie went to study in Paris University in 1891. She studied math and physics there and met a scientist called Piere Curie. They got married in 1895. From then on, she was called Madame Curie. Together, Piere and Marie discovered radium(镭).

    In 1903, Marie became the first woman to win the Nobel Prize. Then, in 1904, Piere became a member of the "Academie Francaise"(法兰西学院). But Marie was not accepted by them because women were not allowed to become members at that time. In 1906, Pierre died in an accident, but Marie went on working until she died in 1934.

    Madame Curie is our hero. Not only did she discover radium but also won the Nobel Prize twice in her lifetime.
