组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Hi, I'm Susan. I'm studying French at a summer school. First, I want to talk about my French teacher, Jenny. She's from Nice in the southeast of France. Jenny likes (棒球). On weekends, she often plays it in the sports club. She's  (friend)and very humorous. It's not hard  (understand)what she says.

Next, I'll introduce my classmate, Miko, an eleven-year-old (Japan) girl. She is a top student in our class. She's very hard—working and (严肃、稳重的). Every day, she spends much time in (read) aloud, so her pronunciation is wonderful. She doesn't talk too much, but she is a kind and helpful girl. Once I (ask) to read a text. I did it so (bad) that some of my classmates laughed at me. At that time I wanted to give up French. Miko (encourage) me and helped me to correct my pronunciation.(没有) her help, I couldn't improve my pronunciation so much. I feel very lucky to have such a kind classmate.
