组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Pat has an unusual hobby. She makes cheese on the family farm in Australia. She began by making yoghurt (酸奶) with her mother when she was little. Then she started watching her father's workers make cheese. When she was ten, she made some herself for the first time. "It wasn't great," she says, "but the workers told me what I was doing wrong and that helped me to slowly get better."

    Pat always needs good milk for her cheese, but she doesn't have to buy it. Her parents keep 100 cows on their farm. Pat can just ask them when she needs more. Last year, Pat's neighbor gave her a young cow to keep and look after, but it doesn't produce milk yet.

    Pat and her family make several types of cheese. Recently they won a prize for one of them. "It's been great for helping customers find out about us," says Pat. "Last month we started selling cheese in New Zealand. People there read about our prize in magazines. Soon we're going to do some advertisements, too.

    Pat's next idea is to post some online recipes (菜谱) for cooking with cheese. "Our cheese is lovely with pizza-I hope a restaurant might buysomeone day." But right now Pat is still at school. "Making cheese is fun and winning a prize for it is great, but doing well in my studies matters more for now."
