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    Climate emergency has been picked as the word of the year for 2019 by Oxford Dictionaries. It was (report) that the expression was used 10,796% more in 2019 than in 2018, and the dictionary company said reflected (反映) the mood and concerns felt by people this year. Though it's made up of two (word), climate emergency is treated as a single word, in same way as heart attack.

    Many people have started to use climate emergency to describe the /hju:dʒ/ challenge facing the planet, in place of the term climate change.

    Climate change refers to long-term changes in the world's / 'weðə(r)/ patterns (模式).They are mostly caused by activities such as (burn) oil and farming. Climate emergency means a "situation in which urgent (紧急的) action is required to reduce or stop climate change".

    According to the dictionary company, climate became the most common word used with emergency in 2019, the two were used together three times more often than the (two) most common word, which was health. /'djuəriŋ/ the year, Canada, France and the UK all announced climate emergencies.
