组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    In 1914, World War I broke out. After hearing about all the men being1to fight in bloody battles, Edith decided she must help. So she went to Brussels in Belgium, where her hospital had been2to a Red Cross hospital to care for war3

    There, she encouraged the nurses to treat4soldiers that came through their doors,5which side they were fighting on.

    In August 1914, German forces6into Belgium and took control of the country. It was at this time that Edith made a decision that would change her fate-she decided to help British, Belgian and French soldiers7to Holland, a 'neutral (中立的) country 'where they would be8.

    Working closely with a9network of people, she sheltered Allied (同盟国的) soldiers in her hospital10they wove well and then sent them out through a(n)11passage. She also helped to12them with a bit of money and secret13for their escape.

    14time, the German police began to suspect Edith, and her colleagues urged her to run away to save herself. Edith refused, and15staying and helping Allied soldiers leave Belgium.

    But in August 1915,16struck when a Belgian spy discovered the secret passage17the hospital and reported it to the authorities. Edith was arrested and kept in prison. Many people felt she should be treated with18, given that she had done so much work to help and look after both Allied and German soldiers.

    19, their cries went unheard, and following a short20, Edith was found guilty and shot by a

    German firing group in Brussels.
