组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Once upon a time, there was a little mouse. His name was Jeff. He lived in a beautiful1with a big family. He had two big round ears. He was cute but a little shy. He did not have any2because he didn't like talking.

    He thought, "If I could3I would make many friends." He tried and tried but he could not do that. He was very4."What could I do?" he said to himself. At last he had a good idea. He went to ask a fairy (仙女)for5The fairy told him that she could help to make his6come true, but he must sacrifice (奉献) something.

    "OK, I would sacrifice my tail," the little mouse said.

    The fairy7his tail and gave him a cap. Now the lite mouse could fly in the sky himself. He vied many places and met many people,8he still didn't make any friends. People were all9him. No one thought a mouse could fly and had no tail.

    After five years, he10his home and went back to the village. He told the other animas in the village where he went and what happened to him. Now the little mouse had a lot of friends. He lived in the village happily ever after.
