组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    Growing up I've always been very independent. I've never asked my parents for money or help, and I've always lived a pretty 1 life from them. We are 2 , but not in a "I'm going to tell you every detail of my life" way.

    A little 3 I moved out at 17, went to university, and 4 in my third year. But I go back to school a 5 time. And I find a new house to move into. My car craps out (坏了) and I need to 6 a new one.

    These last two years have been HARD. But I'm 7 , I'm happier now than I was. Money is extremely tight, but I'm 8. I was speaking to my 9 a few weeks ago getting caught up and he asked about my 10 situation. I opened up and told him things are fine,11 tight. I'm doing okay.

    He then tells me he wants to send me some money to 12 my debts. I tell him it's13. $6000 in student loans and $4000 in credit card debt.

    He says he is proud of me and the way I've 14 life so far. He's proud of how independent I am. He wants me to 15 this new chapter of my life with a clean slate (石板) and this 16 me to put the money I was putting towards debt repayment into 17.

    I love my dad so much and I'm 18 to him for giving me the gift of no 19. It also feels good to be told that living independently is a good thing. I often feel guilty for not being very open with my parents.

    Today I'm feeling all the 20 and I'm excited to start 2020 off on the right foot!
