组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

My Boxing Experience

    This year I joined boxing class. My friend Lea and I were the only 1 in the class. We got to throw our first punches (拳击) and learned how we should stand. I still didn't know how to do it well, but I felt that choosing the boxing class was the right decision. Mr. Vernon, our boxing teacher, made us work hard and sweat. The boxing pads (拳击护具) were my favorite, but my punches weren't 2 enough.

    After participating in more practices, we had learned how to punch in six different ways. The boys were improving a lot on their strength, and Lea with her speed, and me? Well, I had a hard time seeing the 3. Mr. Vernon would always tell me that practice would make me stronger, and this is what helped motivate me to 4.

    Each practice there was at least one boy who would 5 me and say, "Oh you're too short to box. Mr. Vernon has to 6 down when you are on the boxing pads; oh you're not strong enough; you punch like a mouse."

    I know those comments were not to 7 me, but just to have fun. It's true, I'm a small and short person and I did lack confidence; but hearing those comments can either bring you 8, or make you feel motivated to show them they are 9. In my case, they started to discourage me. I didn't have the strength to think they were wrong, and a part of me thought that they were speaking the 10. I hid it inside my heart because I thought that showing that I was 11 myself would make it worse.

    I remember one particular practice where I was mad and angry, and my punches suddenly felt stronger and faster. I was 12, yet I had a feeling in me that it was there all along. I just didn't have that 13in me. After practice, Mr. Vernon pointed out that I was getting stronger and better, which really made me feel more 14 and showed me that what the others were saying about me was wrong. I had 15 found the strength I needed. The following practices, Mr. Vernon was impressed with my hooks and uppercuts, because they were getting 16.

    This experience taught me that boxing requires a lot of work and effort, but it also taught me not to feel 17 about what people say. If you focus on your strong points and improve on your 18 ones, there is no reason for you to feel disappointed. Boxing taught me how to fight, and defend myself physically and mentally, and show that short girls can do anything if they have the 19 to prove people wrong. Being short doesn't 20 me and definitely does not limit me from doing things that tall or stronger people can do.
