组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

    When I was in school, the class I dreaded most was my eighth grade art class. The teacher put down my every attempt at completing an assignment. I simply couldn't produce art the way she wanted it. Luckily, I'd already proven myself in other creative areas. Yet, that art teacher was successful in convincing me that I had no talent for painting, drawing, or anything related to them. Imagine my surprise when I published my nature photography and became a volunteer art teacher!

    Unfortunately, my story is all too familiar to many people who come through my workshops and practice. Even more unfortunately, the vast majority of people were so discouraged in childhood that they cut off the creativeimpulse(冲动) in most areas of their lives. Their teachers, parents, or classmates convinced them they had no talent, so they gave up. The pain of failure was simply too great.

    Why have we forgotten creativity is an experience, not a result? Let's consider why we express creativity in first place. To be creative is to be human. Everything we've at ourdisposal(处理) is the result of someone's creative expression and willingness to take a risk. Even so, for creativity to flower and feel free ofencumbrance(累赘), it needs to be about the joyful moments spent creating, not just about what we've to show for those moments. Whatever pattern you need to break, try to make it about the pleasure and not about the outcome.

    Therefore, I'd urge you tocurbyour perfectionism not enthusiasm! Perfectionism is the leading killer of artistic expression. Relax a little and bring back your childlike nature when you create. Childreninstinctively(本能地) know how to give over to the joy — until someone teaches them otherwise! Let your creation be whatever it wants to be. See if it can lead you rather than the other way around. Let your unconsciousness come through, and let the expression of yourself be beautiful regardless of how it compares to anything else. After all, it's yours, and no one but you could create it!
