组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    There are millions of recipes(菜谱) hidden in the boxes and hearts of grandmother and parents. These family recipes are a special part of our family history. Some of them have been passed down from generation(一代人) to generation.

    "I realized I couldn't go home every weekend for my mom's delicious dishes," says Shreya, who is about to enter university. Shreya has recently started following her mother around the kitchen, taking notes on how to make her "masala chai" and tastykachoris.

    "Those special tastes can immediately unlock a whole flood of emotions, memories and feelings of family, love, and comfort," says she.

    She adds, "I am looking to the day when my kids will come to know of their grandmothers through the dishes they cooked."

    But many of us find it difficult to keep the food connection with our busy life. Even if we have time, not many of us take the effort to collect and record the recipes from our grandmothers and parents. We often get a recipe on the phone and take it down quickly on a piece of paper. We just stick it onto the fridge for a week or two and forget about it as soon as the paper disappears from there.

    Actually, there are simple ways to keep family recipes, Scrapbooks (剪贴薄) are easily found in the market. You can even add photos to record every detail of your memories about the recipe. With the help of some popular apps like Story Scans, recording family recipes has never been easier. What is needed is to scan (扫描) the recipes and record the story behind each of them. It can become the most meaningful work you have ever done with and for your family.

    Keeping family recipes is saving and honoring our tradition so that future generations can continue to make family ties stronger. Every time you remember your loved ones, recreate one of the dishes from your collection and let the memories from the good old days comfort you. So why not gift your kids a family recipe book when they are starting a new life?
