组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Dogs can be good helpers to humans and what about monkeys? They can do a great job, too. Monkeys can help disabled(有残疾的)people live a better life just as dogs do.

    Like dogs, monkeys need lots of training to be human helpers. One difference is that monkeys live longer than dogs do. This means that a monkey's "childhood" is also longer than a dog's. So it may take them four to six years before they are ready to begin training.

    It's said that it is almost as much work as raising a young child!

After monkeys begin training, they usually take about a year to learn enough tasks to be good helpers. One important thing that they need to learn is how to follow command (命令).

    For example, if a person wants to have the lights turned on, he or she might give the command "sun". As the monkeys get better at completing their tasks, they learn new and more difficult ones. Some monkeys can even learn how to use a computer!
