组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I bought a new car. My old car was still in good condition and worth $1, 500 at least at the used-car market.

    I have a co-worker, Tom. He is a great worker. He has no enough money for a new car and has been looking at used cars. So I asked him how much he was looking to spend on a car. He thought about $300 to $500. So I told him I'd sell him my old one for $300.

    My mom, who I work with, asked if I had any luck selling my old car. I told her I planned to sell it to our co-worker Tom for $300.

    She started crying. She told me how glad she was that she had brought up a selfless (无私的) kid who would help someone out so much. She told me to give it to him for free and that she would pay me $1,500. I didn't expect her to say so at all and of course I didn't take her money either. I want to help more people like my mother does.
