组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    I love singing. But I am often laughed at for being a woman with a really deep voice. I couldn't go to the choir (合唱团) as a kid. Because of this, I never sing when people are nearby.

    I only sing in the car if I'm alone or when I'm home alone. My husband knows that I have this hobby. He wants to hear me sing. However, I never feel comfortable doing so.

    One day, we were driving and it was a beautiful trip. I got a bit excited and I was feeling a bit brave. I said to my husband, "Could you put on my favorite CD?" He did and my true feelings came out. I couldn't help singing.

    My husband started crying. Then I started getting choked up (哽咽). It was such a fantastic day. Now I want to share it with anyone who might listen. Sing out loud, people. Don't be afraid to be laughed at. Someone might even sing along.
