组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Mother's Day is always a fun time at my house every year. This year is no exception. My brother and I want our mom to feel1by giving her a day off from family chores. In the moming, I woke up before everyone else to hang up a poster that 2"Happy Mother's Day!". My dad also got up 3and helped set up a rose bouquet in a vase.

    When my mom woke up, she read cards we laid out next to her bed with a big smile. While she was watching the morning news with my dad, it was time to 4 my cooking skills. I made some delicious food with my brother's help. My mom and I love board games, so after a short 5 around the neighborhood, we played all of her favorites. In my family, playing a fun boardgame turns into a big 6 and can become very heated. One of us always becomes a loser after being beaten in the game. The afternoon games made all of us tired. A delicious takeout dinner from my mom's favorite restaurant 7 us. The festivities 8 with ice cream and more quality family time, while watching one of my mom's favorite movies from her teenage years.

    It was such a 9 day, and it was great to be able to show my mom how much appreciate her and thank her for 10 she does for our family. Mother's Day should be everyday.
