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    You're probably used to getting takeaway (外卖) delivered (递送) to your home these days. But e first pizza delivery in history took place nearly 150 years in Italy.

    In 1878, Margherita became the first queen of Italy. Gradually, the queen got tired eating "fancy" meals and wanted to eat "common" "food. Esposito, the most famous pizza chef at that time, was asked to deliver a pizza to the queen. He (quick) prepared a pizza with red tomatoes, white cheese and green basil, which stood for the colors of Italy's new (nation) flag. As soon as the pizza was out of the oven, he delivered it to the queen (him). The queen had never eaten pizza before and said it was one of the (good) things she'd ever eaten. Esposito named the pizza after the queen, and it has been served in nearly every pizza restaurant in the world ever since.

    Today, pizza is still popular with people around the world. In 1973, US Domino's Pizza company promised (take) pizzas to customers in 30 minutes or less". If the pizza was late, it would be free. Another US pizza company offers a "Hot-N-Ready" pizza at all its (store). These pizzas (cook) around the clock so that there are always fresh pizzas available. Go to the store, paying $6 you'll walk out with a fresh pizza with no waiting time.
