组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

A. know   B. radio   C. but   D. model   E. always   F. their   G. think   H. tidy   I. watch   J. everywhere   K. under   L. baseball

    Hello, I'm Richard. I have two sisters, Susan and Winnie. These arerooms. Susan's room is always tidy,Winnie's is not. In Susan's room, her books are in the bookcase. Her quilt and jacket areon the bed. Look! This is her desk. You can find a clock and aon it. Susan's English is good. She likes listening to(听)English radio in the morning. And threeplanes are on it, too. Are they Susan's? No, Ithey are Winnie's. Winnie likes to watch movies (喜欢看电影) about planes. This is Winnie's room. She is not agirl. Her things are. She always says she can't find her things. Can you see a black schoolbag on the chair? Whose (谁的) school bag is it? I don't. Susan and Winnie don't have black schoolbags. What are thosethe bed? They are Winnie's baseballs.
