组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Hi, my name is Simon. I'm 14. I'm in Class Three in Beijing No.1 Middle School. I like soccer best (最). It's very interesting. I have six soccer balls under the bed. I like to play soccer with my friends after school.

    I'm Nancy. I'm 13. I'm in Nanjing No. 1 Middle School. I'm a student in Class Five. My favorite sport is tennis. I have three tennis balls in the bookcase. I always play tennis with my sister Olivia.

    Hello, I'm David. I'm 15. I'm in Class Three. I like basketball best. I'm in the school basketball club (社团). I help girls play basketball in the club. I think it's difficult for girls to play basketball. And I can play volleyball and ping-pong, too.

    My name is Mandy. I'm 13.1 can play tennis, volleyball and ping pong. My favorite sport is ping-pong. I'm in the school ping pong team (队). I like to watch ping pong games on TV. I have six ping pong balls.
