组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My name is Mary. Look at the clothes here. This pair of red trousers is my mother's, My mother is 43. Her birthday is on January 4th. She gets the trousers on her birthday. The blue T-shirt is my father's. My father is 45. His birthday is on November 5th. Jack and Bob are my brothers. Bob's birthday is on October 15th. Jack's jacket is orange. The white hat is Bob's. Her birthday is on December 20th. Her skirt is purple. Purple is her favorite color. These are my shorts. They are blue. Do you know when my birthday is? It's on May 1st. I want a sweater on my next birthday.

A. Jack's birthday is on July 10th.

B. She likes it very much.

C. I like blue very much.

D. Blue is his favorite color.

E. Kate is my sister.
