Interruptions are one of the worst things to deal with while you're trying to get work done. , there are several ways to handle things. Let's take a look at them now.
.Tell the person you're sorry and explain that you have a million things to do and then ask if the two of you can talk at a different time.
When people try to interrupt you, have set hours planned and let them know to come back during that time or that you'll find them then.. It can help to eliminate(消除) future interruptions.
When you need to someone,don't do it in your own office., it's much easeier to excuse yourself to get back to your work than if you try to get someone out of your space even after explaining how busy you are
If you have a door to your office, make good use of it. . If someone knocks and it's not an important matter,excuse yourself and let the person know you're busy so they can get the hint(暗示) that when the door is closed, you're not to be disturbed.
A.If you're busy, don't feel bad about saying no B. When you want to avoid interruptions at work C. Set boundaries for yourself as your time goes D. If you're in the other person's office or in a public area E. It's important that you let them know when you'll be available F.It might seem unkind to cut people shirt when they interrupt you G.Leave it open when you're available to talk and close it when you're not |