组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库
阅读下面短文, 理解其大意, 然后在各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    Wang is a college student now. But he has a1 shop. Many people like shopping here. 2 from most flower shops in Beijing, Wang runs an unsupervised(无人管理的))flower shop.

    People can buy flowers and3 for them on mobile phones through WeChat or Alipay.

    Wang loves4in his free time. He said he runs the unsupervised flower shop because he doesn't need to 5  much time on it. "People may go to flower shops at any time, "he said. "If I run a common flower shop, I 6 not read when they come. " So Wang opened the unsupervised flower shop.

    "Most young people like shopping in a7 environment, "he said, "and they don't want to be disturbed when shopping, "But what can the shoppers do if they have questions about kinds and names of flowers? They can have their questions answered8 mobile apps.

    9 there is no shopkeeper, many young people come and the shop works well.

    Some people asked Wang if he worries 10 would take away flowers without paying. Wang said he thought about the11at first. Although he does not sell flowers in the shop himself, he goes to the shop at times. "My flower shop is 12. It doesn't need too much money, and it cannot have a big problem if there is a thief, "he said. And Wang also 13 most people are good.

    Wang's shop is 14. When talking about his shop, Wang said young people have more open 15Use your head, and you'll find your way to be successful.
