组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    Early one morning, a crow sat in a tall re. She had a big piece of cheese in her beak(鸟嘴). She thought it would be a nice1for her baby.

    A fox came by. He was quite2 because he could not find anything to eat. As he walked by, he3and saw the crow up in the tree with the cheese. Since he wanted the cheese for himself, he began to think hard how he could take it from the crow. The fox could not climb the 4, so he would have to find a way to make the crow5the cheese.

    First, he6called up to the crow, and asked how she and her baby were.

    The fox then told the crow that since she was very beautiful, she must have a beautiful7and that he would like to hear her sing.

    The crow was quite8and thought that the fox was very kind, so she decided to 9 for him. She opened her mouth and le out an awful "Caw! Caw! Caw!"

    The cheese fell from her beak, and the fox happily jumped up and 10it in his mouth. He immediately ate it.

    After that, he looked up at the crow and told her that she had a voice to sing with, but that she had no sense.
