组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    One day, some people went to listen to a speech about happiness.

    The speaker came up with an idea. He gave each person in the room a balloon(气球). And he asked everyone to write his or her name on the balloon. . After that the speaker asked the listeners to find the balloon with their own names.

    But five minutes later, no one could find their own balloons. After seeing this, the speaker asked each person to get a balloon and try to find the owner of the balloon. . In just a few minutes, everyone had his or her own balloon.

    , "The balloons are like happiness. Everyone is busy looking for his or her own happiness, not caring what happens to others. But sometimes the best way to be happy is to help others. If you help others find happiness, you can find your own. "

A. Everyone did as what the speaker said.

B. Then the speaker took all of the balloons to another room.

C. The speaker then said .

D. Everyone started asking each other for their names.

E. However, a few hours later, people started losing their attention.
