组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

    My interest in cooking started when was 11, partly thanks to (幸亏) my mother. She didn't really like cooking and when she did cook, I didn't like her food. Once I was watching something about cooking on TV and I thought I could do this, so I went to the bookstore and looked for the biggest cookbook I could find.

During year, produced most of its recipes (食谱) and was ready for big challenge (挑战). I wanted to create my own dishes and I started cooking for more people than just my family. I was happy that my parentsallowedme to build a test kitchen. I did much cooking to test my dishes in it and my skill improved quickly. Later, my mom and I set up a dinner club inside my home. Now as a teen chef (主厨), I have also cooked in top-class restaurants around the country. I am not doing it for the money, but because I love cooking.

    Now I know that when you stop caring whether (是否) you'll be famous or do well, your dream will come to you.
