组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

To the Editor,

    I am writing as a member of One-on-One, the sixth-grade mentoring (指导) group. Our group is two years old and made up of 14 students.Our task is to help students reach their goals through mentoring.We hope the readers of this school newspaper will join our group. This is my first year as a mentor, but I have already learned that everyone taking part in mentoring gets something out of it.

    I was assigned (分配) to a mentor last year. Mentoring was one of the best things that happened to me. I was able to turn the corner at an important point in my studies, going from nearly failing math to passing it. It still amazes me that I completely changed from almost hating math to loving it! Would you believe I'm even thinking of studying math in college? Even if I don't, I have skills that I will use for the rest of my life. My own experience made me feel certain of becoming a mentor this year and helping other students like myself. Now that I am a mentor, I realize what a good feeling you get from helping someone else and knowing that you're making a difference in his or her life. In many situations, lasting friendships are made as well. My mentor and I hit it off right away. And we're still good friends today.

    Becoming a mentor is a serious commitment (承诺). Mentors spend one hour every week with the student they are mentoring. Considering your responsibilities, it may be difficult to add another commitment to your schedule. But I hope you will at least consider the possibility.

    Thank you for considering our invitation. We look forward to hearing from you.


Mark Lopez
