组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

Dear Nicole,

    How are you? Do you enjoy your summer holiday? I'm sure you do.

    It's been two weeks since I returned to New Zealand, but I'm still thinking of the exciting city life in Hong Kong. In New Zealand, life is totally different. I miss the delicious sweet soup so much.

    The weather has been bad these days. Yesterday I got a cold and didn't go to school today. I hate taking medicine but I have to take it. I must get well soon because I will have tests on science and geography next week. I must prepare for the tests this time so that I won't fail again.

    I remember that you like our local hand cream (护手霜), but it is quite expensive in Hong Kong. I bought you some last weekend and I am sending it to you. It's much cheaper here than in Hong Kong.

    It's almost the end of August. It's time to pack (收拾) your school bag and get ready for the new school term. Take good care.

With love,

