组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

present        if        last        they        usual        other        interest        good        help        have

    Friendship and kindness go hand in hand. A friendship can forever when friends are kind to each other. People  become friends because they have something in common. They share many of the same and like to be together.  It is easy to be a friend when everything is going great, but a true friend is one who sticks around in both the  times and the bad. A good friend will cheer you up when you are  a bad day. Show a friend you care. Ask the other person, "What can I do to help you?" and be willing to do it. Listen to your friends. Be honest. Tell what is wrong if they have hurt you. Send a card, give them a little , or call them on the phone just to say" I value our friendship”.  whenever and wherever you can. Good friendships are not easy to develop, but a friendship can last forever  you are loyal and sincere.

    If you are a friend to , they will usually be a friend to you. Friends make life better.
